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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rice in Milk pudding or Ruz bi Haleeb

One of my favorite middle eastern desserts is Ruz bi Haleeb which simply translates into Rice in milk. Its so yummy and delicious, my mom used to always make this when I was younger and now I make it for my own daughters.


1/2 cup of egyptian rice or round rice. I use pearl rice
1 cup of water
2 cups milk
1/8 - 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tbs corn starch melted in water
1 ts rose water

Wash the rice and soak for 30 minutes. Put the rice and water in small saucepan. Bring to boil and simmer until rice absorbs water and is tender.

Once rice is cooked and milk and keep stirring constantly for about 10-15 minutes

Add sugar and cornstarch and keep stirring for another 10 minutes until the mixture starts thickening.

Once its ready add the rose water and remove from flame.

While still hot, pour in small cups immediately so the pudding can settle.

I usually add a dash of cinnamon on top of the pudding, some people also add ground pistachio. Enjoy!

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